The Groundbreaking Meeting of Dr. Bilal Ahmed at the Church of Scientology, Brussels

July 9, 2023

On a unique evening, July 6, 2023, the Church of Scientology in Brussels, along with Julie Delvaux, welcomed a special guest, Dr. Bilal Ahmed, a holistic healer and face reader. That evening the church was the epicenter of an intense discussion and reflection on the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

The Encounter: Where Facial Sense and Observation Intersect
The evening started with a slight tension, the excitement was almost palpable. Dr. Bilal, known for his ability to see beyond the superficial colors of the human face, was ready to share his knowledge. He emphasized the importance of good observation and how looking at a person can tell you a lot if you just know how to look.

The Box: Knowledge Encapsulated

In a small box there were fourteen informative booklets about drugs, with attention to the dangers of alcohol, which were handed over to us by Julie Delvaux. According to Myriam Zonnekeyn, this was not just a collection of words, but rather a powerful weapon intended to help parents educate their children about the dangers of drug use.

The Journey: A Glimpse into the Consequences of Drugs

While visiting a local park, a place frequented by drug addicts, Dr. Bilal see how drugs and alcohol can disrupt life. He showed how these addicts, in their attempt to escape reality, turn public places into their own havens, disrupting the lives of others around them.

The Start: The Preparation for A Meaningful Conversation

Back at the church, preparations for the presentation began. Dr. Bilal explained how to break down a complex topic into three or four key points to make it easier for the audience to understand. He believes it is important to provide clear and concise information without losing essential details.

The Focus: Alcohol and Drugs, Enemies of Humanity

Dr. Bilal brought attention to the main topic of the evening – the devastating effects of alcohol and drugs on the body and mind. The conversation went deep into the ways in which these substances enter the human body and slowly suck the life out of their victims.

The Continuation: The Power of Holistic Healing

This evening was not only about the problems, but especially about the possible solutions. Dr. Bilal, as a passionate advocate of holistic medicine, stated that there is hope. According to him, it is essential to address the problems of alcohol and drug abuse in a holistic way, by focusing on the body, mind and soul.

Alcohol, the Silent Saboteur: An Analysis by Dr. Bilal Ahmad

On this memorable evening, July 6, 2023, at the Church of Scientology in Brussels, Dr. Bilal Ahmed his lecture with a serious tone. The content of his speech: the destructive power of alcohol and its impact on the human body, mind and soul.

A Tornado of Imbalance

According to dr. Ahmed, alcohol causes an imbalance in the elements of the body. He represented man as a vessel filled with five elements – earth, metal, water, wood and fire. When alcohol is consumed, it disrupts the balance of these elements and provokes an internal storm that compromises human functioning. He states that alcohol sends a signal to the stomach (which he relates to the earth element) that can lead to anxiety and disrupts the strength of the enzymes that digest food. This can cause a person who drinks alcohol to often eat junk food because the “earth” in him has been disrupted

The Silent War of Alcohol

According to dr. Ahmed, the effects of alcohol on the body are many and range from physical to mental damage. For example, in people who consume alcohol, the kidneys (related to the water element) are affected. This can lead to weak control of urine flow and other urinary problems. In addition, the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can harm the baby. Dr. Ahmed explains that the baby in the womb, which he describes as a water ball, can suffer from mental problems such as Down syndrome, ADHD, and autism.

The Invisible Chains of Addiction

What makes alcohol so dangerous, says Dr. Ahmed, is that it changes the way people think. Alcohol consumption disrupts communication in the brain, which can lead to problems in personal relationships. The drinker may have difficulty distinguishing between different social roles, which can lead to family problems and other social discomfort. In addition, alcohol can lead to physical illnesses. For example, alcohol can affect the liver (related to the wood element), which can result in high cholesterol, diabetes and vision problems.

The Path to Recovery

According to dr. Ahmed, the key to recovery lies in understanding the roots of the problems caused by alcohol. He argues that medicine should focus on the cause of the problems, such as problems with the stomach or heart. Addressing these issues can help a person with an alcohol problem stop drinking and return to a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Ahmed also advocates a natural approach to treatment. He suggests replacing the alcohol with healthy food and water to restore balance in the body.

Understanding the Alcohol Problem

Dr. Ahmed invites those present to think more deeply about why people consume alcohol. Is it because of stress, a high lifestyle, emotional issues, or something else? He encourages them to become aware of the root causes and long-term consequences of alcohol abuse. His closing remark is powerful and lingers: “Each body has its own willpower, its own healer. The problem is that by drinking alcohol, we lose our ability to distinguish between right and wrong. We must be aware of the consequences on a mental, physical and spiritual level.” With those words, Dr. Bilal Ahmed sheds a powerful light on the silent saboteur that is alcohol. A saboteur who, if left unchecked, can destroy the human body and mind from within.

The Invitation to Reflection

Dr. Bilal invited everyone to reflect, to rethink how we deal with the challenges of drug and alcohol addiction. He stressed that it is crucial to understand the devastating impact of these substances and how it is never too late to break the cycle of addiction. The meeting of Dr. Bilal Ahmed on July 6, 2023 at the Church of Scientology in Brussels was without a doubt an evening of meaningful conversation and valuable insights. It was an evening that underlined not only the dangers of drugs and alcohol, but also the power of holistic healing and the importance of close observation and understanding.

The Invisible Chains of Alcohol

Dr. Ahmed also touched on the difficulties of alcoholism in our modern lives. Alcohol is often used as a means to relax or to escape reality. In countries such as Belgium, alcohol consumption is deeply rooted in social culture. For example, after a football match it is customary to have a beer with friends. While this is a fun activity for many, for some it can be the first step to a serious alcohol problem.

The Battle of Willpower

He emphasized that every individual has a good side and a bad side. The good side may want to stop drinking, but external factors, such as social pressure, can make this process difficult. Dr. Ahmed suggested that if we can control the external influences and maintain a positive self-image, we can win the battle against alcoholism.

A Needle, A Toothpick and Green Tea: A New Approach to Treatment

The next phase of the meeting involved a demonstration of some of the unconventional treatment techniques that Dr. Ahmed had developed. Through the use of a toothpick and acupuncture, it was stated that we can influence the addict’s mind and reduce cravings. He also recommended adding green tea and vegetable soup to the diet, depending on the individual’s body type. A specific technique, which uses a toothpick, was demonstrated. It involves gentle stimulation of various pressure points on the body. Combined with dietary modifications and counseling, this technique can produce significant reductions in alcohol cravings in three months.

The Magic of Natural Oils

The climax of the evening was the introduction of two natural oils: black seed oil and olive oil. According to dr. Ahmed, when consumed in the morning, these oils can significantly reduce the need for alcohol. These oils, combined with other techniques, can provide a new approach in the fight against alcoholism.

The Power of Self Help

Dr. Ahmed stressed that the key to overcoming alcoholism lies in the individual’s ability to help themselves. He stressed that every individual has the power to win this battle. The techniques he proposed offer a way to strengthen internal struggles and reduce external influences. Dr. Bilal Ahmed not only organized an engaging and informative meeting, but also delivered a message of hope to those struggling with alcoholism. By emphasizing self-help and introducing some unconventional but interesting techniques, he has shown that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Connecting, Relieving, Strengthening

Dr. Bilal Ahmed, an erudite personality with a deep understanding of the connection between the human body, mind and soul, indeed held a meaningful gathering at the Church of Scientology in Brussels on July 6, 2023. Dr. Ahmed shed light on how everyday habits can affect our mental and physical well-being. He invited the public to sit, relax and listen to his insights, aiming to promote a holistic approach to health and wellness.

The Power of Words and Thoughts

Dr. Ahmed spoke about the influence of words and thoughts on our body, based on studies by a Japanese doctor. This scientist investigated how pronouncing positive and negative words had an effect on water. After uttering negative words about one glass of water and positive words about another, there was a measurable difference in the composition of the water. Dr. Ahmed emphasized the importance of positive thoughts and the power of goodness found in every religion.

Natural Medicines and The Human Body

Dr. Ahmed turned to the topic of natural healing, discussing the benefits of olive oil and black seed oil. Both natural oils, according to Dr. Ahmed, can offer healing properties for various physical ailments and can even help fight addictions. He underlined that these natural remedies can be an alternative to harmful habits, such as alcohol consumption.

Connection Between Internal Organ And External Stimuli

A fascinating aspect of Dr. Ahmed’s presentation was his explanation of how different parts of our body, such as our hands and ears, are connected to our internal organs. By massaging these areas one can find relief from internal ailments. For example, even touching the earth to our forehead, a practice practiced in some religions, has been shown to have positive effects on our health, according to scientific research.

Ancient Traditions and Modern Health Practices

Dr. Ahmed cited the traditional health practices our ancestors used, and how these practices are still relevant to our current health challenges. He emphasized the value of simple, everyday activities such as cooking and washing, and how these actions keep our bodies and minds in shape.

Towards a Healthier Future

It is clear that dr. Bilal Ahmed’s meeting at the Church of Scientology in Brussels was much more than an ordinary lecture. It was a call to action, an invitation to rethink our current health practices and return to the wisdom of our ancestors, augmented by modern scientific insights. His message was both enlightening and inspiring, encouraging those present to take a step towards a healthier and more holistic life.

Alcohol and Health: A Complex Story

Drinking alcohol, Dr. Ahmed, can have devastating effects on the body and mind. While some people manage to balance their drinking, alcohol can easily lead to problems such as depression, nervous disorders and physical imbalance. In addition, stated Dr. Ahmed, alcoholic beverages can disrupt communication in our body, especially between the heart and brain. This can lead to countless health problems ranging from heart disease to neurological disorders.

The Holistic Approach

Dr. Ahmed’s approach to health is holistic. According to him, many health problems can be reduced or even prevented by leading a balanced lifestyle and making conscious choices. One of the ways to achieve this balance is through a conscious and thoughtful diet. He stressed the importance of paying attention to what we consume, both in terms of food and drink. He stated that consuming natural drinks, such as water or natural juices, can boost kidney function, which in turn can help put out the “fire” of alcohol. In addition, he recommended striking a balance in our diet by taking into account our body. For example, when our body is cold, we can consume warming foods like ginger water. If, on the other hand, we feel warm,

The Power of Communication and Self-Awareness

Dr. Ahmed also emphasized the importance of communication, both with others and with ourselves. For example, in the case of alcohol consumption, the lack of communication between different parts of our body can lead to an imbalance and cause problems. Self-awareness is also crucial. According to dr. Ahmed we should be aware of our own body and the signals it gives us. This awareness can help us make the right choices for our health and well-being. Several interesting topics emerged during the question hour. For example, one of the attendees asked about the concept of “good” and “bad” alcohol consumption. Dr. Ahmed replied that even moderate alcohol consumption, such as a glass of wine a day, can be harmful for some people, depending on their physical and mental health.

Dr. Bilal Ahmed’s Exceptional Spiritual Meeting at the Church of Scientology of Brussels
Indeed. On July 6, 2023, curious souls met at the Church of Scientology in Brussels, drawn by the powerful words of a special guest speaker. Dr. Bilal Ahmed, a man whose name has traveled the world, embodied the promise of insight and awakening, as an inspirational figure who invited his listeners to delve deeper into the mysteries of the human mind and spirit.

Alcohol, body and mind: a complex relationship

Dr. Ahmed began his talk with a bold statement, stating that “ground alcohol” was a significant problem. His arguments were rooted in a complex understanding of the effects of alcohol on both body, mind and source of spiritual energy. He emphasized the deep impact this drink can have, with possible consequences ranging from health problems to spiritual disruption. Ahmed highlighted the risks and dangers of alcohol use and abuse, which he had seen in more than sixty countries, revealing a disturbing global picture. Even as people went about their daily tasks, he saw how alcohol interfered with their lives, leading to a web of inner and outer problems.

The never-ending quest for knowledge

A focal point in Dr. Ahmed’s presentation was the importance of learning and growing. He emphasized that no one is perfect and that we are all in a constant state of evolution. The idea that anyone would know everything was considered absurd by him. According to Ahmed, we must continue to learn and grow until our last breath. He illustrated this with the example of brain function: no one uses 100% of their brain capacity in their entire life, which he says shows that we always have room to grow and maximize our potential.

Alcohol and spiritual connection: a sticking point

Ahmed made a bold claim stating that even one drop of alcohol can create a barrier between the individual and their spiritual connection. Despite some people claiming to experience no negative effects, he believes that alcohol has the potential to hinder spiritual development. He used the concept of life after death to emphasize his point. Ahmed believes that we live for another life, that we are guests in this world, and therefore we should strive for purity in everything we do. Alcohol, according to him, is an obstacle on this path.

Advice for the future

Dr. Ahmed called on his listeners to make conscious choices in their lives. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging and avoiding the wrong and pursuing the right. Instead of criticizing people who make mistakes, he advocated giving them good advice and striving for harmony.

The power of the self

Dr. Ahmed’s message ended with a powerful reminder of the inherent strength of the individual. He argued that we are the architects of our own lives and that we have a duty to cleanse our souls and strive for betterment. The importance of this work was emphasized in his statement: “First you must purify your soul.”

Practical applications

The meeting concluded with a practical element, with Dr. Ahmed demonstrated acupressure techniques and explained their effects. He emphasized that these methods, if applied correctly, can contribute to overall well-being and the treatment of addictions, including alcoholism. In his closing remarks, Dr. Bilal Ahmed expressed his belief in the power of the individual to effect positive change and emphasized the importance of continuous learning and growth. His message was one of hope and awakening, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended this special gathering at the Church of Scientology in Brussels.

An Inspiring Evening

The evening with Dr. Bilal Ahmed was both inspiring and challenging. His words challenged those present to take a critical look at their own health and well-being and encouraged them to make conscious and informed choices. As the evening drew to a close, attendees left the Church of Scientology in Brussels with a new perspective on health, life choices and the power of self-awareness.